Pathology, Lymph Node Biopsy
Performing Laboratory
MaineGeneral Medical CenterReference Values
An interpretative report will be issued by pathologist.Methodology
Test commonly includes routine histology with imprints made for additional studies if required.Specimen Requirements
This test must be scheduled 24 hours in advance with the Pathology Office at 207-872-1158.
Submit entire lymph node with capsule and adjacent fat in a screw-capped, sterile container. Supraclavicular and cervical lymph nodes are likeliest to provide diagnostic specimens unless other nodes are the only ones involved. Maintain sterility and forward immediately to the laboratory and notify the Pathology Office.
Note: 1. Attempted diagnosis of lymphoma on frozen section is discouraged, and freezing artifact may interfere with interpretation of permanent sections.
2. Indicate on request form if microbiological studies or frozen section is required.
3. Label container with patient’s name (first and last), date and actual time of collection, collector’s initials, and source/site of specimen.
4. Please complete and submit an “Anatomic Pathology Request Form” in “Request Forms/Forms” in “Special Instructions.” Requisitions for this procedure cannot be processed unless the information requested is supplied.