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Test Code 00025 Culture, Chlamydia trachomatis

Performing Laboratory


Reference Values

No Chlamydia trachomatis isolated


Cell culture and subsequent detection of Chlamydia by Fluerescent Antibody

Specimen Requirements

Submit Universal Viral Transport vial with swab specimen as indicated below. Indicate exact source of specimen on the requisition. Maintain at room temperature.


Submit only 1 of the following.


CONJUNCTIVA: Remove mucous and exudate. Use seab and firm pressure to scrape away epithelial cells from upper and lower lid.


POSTERIOR NASOPHARYNX OR THROAT: Collect epithelial cells by using a swab.


RECTUM; Sample anal crypts with a swab. Avoid contamination with fecal material.


URETHRA: Patient should not urinate within 1 hour prior to specimen collection. The swab should be inserted 2 cm. inot the urethra. Use firm pressure to scrape cells from the mucosal surface. If possible, repeat with a second swab.


CERVIX: Remove mucous/pus with a swab, discard and use firm and rotating pressure to obtain specimen with another swab. May be combined with a urethral swab into same transport medium. This two swab method is highly recommmended.

Day(s) Test Set Up


Test Classification and CPT Coding

87110  Culture

87140  Culture, typing, immunofluorescent method, if indicated