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Test Code EYECUL Culture, Eye

Performing Laboratory

MaineGeneral Medical Center

Reference Values

No growth

Usual cutaneous flora

Day(s) Test Performed

Monday through Sunday



Note:  This test may reflex to identification and/or antibiotic susceptibilities.

Specimen Requirements

Submit only 1 of the following specimens:



Specimen must arrive within 24 hours of collection.


1. Do not use exudates for this specimen type.

2. Cleanse skin around eye with mild antiseptic.

3. Gently remove makeup and ointment with a sterile cotton swab and saline.

4. Collect specimen using a Mini-Tip Culture Swab Transport System or Puritan OptiSwab LA-116

5. Pass moistened swab 2 times over lower conjunctiva avoiding eyelid border and lashes.

6. Return swab to sterile culture transport tube to ensure specimen preservation.

7. Label tube with patient’s name (first and last), date of birth, date and actual time of collection and the type of specimen.

8. Maintain sterility and forward promptly. Do not refrigerate.

Note:  Specimen source is required on request form for processing. Please give specific source description, do not label as “EYE.”



Specimen should arrive ASAP after collection, and within maximum time of 24 hrs


1. Obtain a corneal specimen with Mini-Tip Culture Swab Transport System or Puritan OptiSwab LA-116 

2. Moisten swab with sterile saline and collect specimen.

Note:  Use a second swab if fungus culture is requested. If virus culture is requested, use a third swab and place in viral transport medium (M4).

3. Return swab to sterile culture transport tube to ensure specimen preservation.

4. Label tube with patient’s name (first and last), date of birth, date and actual time of collection, and type of specimen.

5. Maintain sterility and forward promptly. Do not refrigerate.


1. Media may be obtained from the laboratory for direct inoculation at time of collection.

2. Do not submit corneal scraping or anterior chamber fluid on a swab.

3. Specimen source is required on request form for processing. Please give specific source description, do not label as “EYE.”


Corneal Scraping

Specimen must arrive within 2 hours of collection.


1. Obtain media from the laboratory for direct inoculation at time of collection.

2. Scrape corneal ulcer with spatula or No. 15 blade scalpel. After anesthesia, scrape cooled spatula over surface area of suppuration in short, moderately firm strokes in one direction without touching lashes or lids.

3. Use each scraping to inoculate a row of C shapes on agar media and to prepare a smear on a clean glass slide.

4. Label plate media and slide with patient’s name (first and last), date of birth, date and actual time of collection, and type of specimen.

5. Maintain sterility and forward promptly. Do not refrigerate.

Note:  Specimen source is required on request form for processing. Please give specific source description, do not label as “EYE.”


Eye Abscess or Drainage

Specimen must arrive within 6 hours of collection.

Note:  Direct Gram stain is recommended for this specimen type.


Closed Abscess

1. Prepare skin for puncture with needle and syringe.

2. For upper lid suppuration, make incision beneath brow at junction of lateral 1/3 and medial 2/3 of lid. For lower lid abscess, make incision at site of maximum fluctuation 1 cm to 2 cm above inferior orbital rim.

3. Label container with patient’s name (first and last), date of birth, date and actual time of collection, and type of specimen.

Note:  Specimen source is required on request form for processing. Please give specific source description, do not label as “EYE.”


Open Wound or Drain Site

1. Prepare skin for puncture with needle and syringe.

2. Submit aspirated fluid in a sterile tube or syringe with needle removed.

3. Or, collect specimen with mini-tip culture transport swab. Moisten swab with sterile saline before collection.

4. Use a second swab if fungus culture is requested. If virus culture is requested, use a third swab and place in viral transport medium (M4).

5. Return swab to sterile culture transport tube or viral transport medium to ensure specimen preservation.

6. Label tube with patient’s name (first and last), date of birth, date and actual time of collection, and type of specimen.

7. Maintain sterility and forward promptly. Do not refrigerate.

Note:  Specimen source is required on request form for processing. Please give specific source description, do not label as “EYE.”

Test Classification and CPT Coding

87070 - culture

87077 - bacterial identification (if appropriate)

87186 - susceptibility (if appropriate)

87187 - susceptibility (if appropriate)