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Test Code IPTHCC IPTH, intra-operative

Important Note

This test is only performed on intra-operative patients. Test must be scheduled. Please call 626-1451

Reference Values

15.0-65.0 pg/nl

Specimen Requirement

Plasma, EDTA (Purple top tube). Centrifuge and remove plasma to clean, labeled tube. Minimum 0.5ml of plasma.


Due to the possibility of multiple specimens, each specimen must have date and time of draw on label. Also include, Pre Skin, Pre Gland, 5 minute post, 10 minute post, 20 minute post or random. Please send the Blue Intra-Operative PTH form with first specimen


Stabile for 2 days at room temperature, three days at 2-8C


Rejection Criteria: Visible hemolysis. This assay should not be performed on patients receiving high does of biotin.

CPT Codes



Electrochemiluminesence Immunoassay

Useful For

Parathyroid hormone (PTH), which is produced by the parathyroid glands, is cleared from the blood stream very quickly. Within ten minutes of removing all hyperactive parathyroid tissue, the PTH levels fall rapidly. By testing PTH levels before removing hyperactive parathyroid glands, and then again after removal of abnormal gland the surgeon can determine if there are additional hyperfunctioning glands present.