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Test Code PREN Prenatal Panel, Whole blood and Serum

Performing Laboratory

MaineGeneral Medical Center

Reference Values

See individual test listings.

Day(s) Test Performed

Complete blood count (CBC) with differential, platelet count:  Monday through Sunday

Syphilis IgG:  Monday through Friday

Rubella:  Monday through Friday




Profile Information:
Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential Platelet Count
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Syphilis IgG

Specimen Requirements

Whole blood and serum are required for this test.

Whole blood:

Specimens must arrive within 24 hours of draw.


Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential and Platelet Count

Draw blood in a lavender-top (K2-EDTA) tube. For pediatric specimens, collect blood in a lavender-top BD Microtainer® MAP Microtube. Invert several times to mix and to avoid clotting. Label the specimen with the patient’s name (first and last), date of birth, date and time of draw and the phlebotomist’s initial’s. Send whole blood refrigerated. 

*Collection tube must be filled to ½ of its intended total volume to ensure adequate blood to anticoagulant ratio. 


Specimen stability:   24 hours at room temperature or refrigerated /  4 hours capillary
Minimum volume:    250 µL

Specimen rejection criteria:
Clotted blood
Specimens that are > 24 hours old
Collection tube is less than one-half its intended volume
Improper patient identification


Hepatitis B Surface Antigen:

Draw blood in a gold-top (serum separator) gel tube. Label the specimen with the patient’s name (first and last), date of birth, date and time of draw, phlebotomist’s initials, and as serum. Spin down and send 1 mL of serum refrigerated.


Specimen stability:   8 hours at room temperature when spun
                                    7 days at 2-8°C
                                     ≥-20°C for longer storage
Minimum volume:    1 mL


Syphilis IgG and Rubella:

Draw blood in a gold-top (serum separator) gel tube. Label the specimen with the patient’s name (first and last), date of birth, date and time of draw, phlebotomist’s initials, and as serum. Spin down and send 2 mL of serum refrigerated.


Grossly hemolyzed specimens are not acceptable.


Specimen stability:    7 days at 2-8°C
                                     ≥-20°C for longer storage
Minimum volume:      1 mL

Test Classification and CPT Coding