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Test Code RESPC Culture, Respiratory

Performing Laboratory

MaineGeneral Medical Center

Reference Values

No growth

Usual respiratory flora


Note:  Includes direct Gram stain. This test may reflex to identification and/or antibiotic susceptibilities.

Specimen Requirements

Submit only 1 of the following specimens:

Submit in a sterile screw-capped container or Luken’s Trap

Specimens must arrive within 2 hours of collection; transport at room temperature

Refrigeration should be avoided to maintain viability of fastidious organisms

Bronchial Washing/Lavage/Brush

Note: For quantitative bronchial lavage culture, see QUANTC “Culture, Quantitative Bronchial.”

1. Submit bronchial washing/lavage or brush in a screw-capped, sterile container obtained by physician with the aid of a bronchoscope. Do not add alcohol, formalin or preservatives.

2. Label container with patient’s name (first and last), date of birth, date and actual time of collection, and type of specimen.

3. Maintain sterility and forward promptly. If there is a delay in transport of >2 hours, send specimen refrigerated.

Note: Specimen source is required on request form for processing.



Specimen must arrive within 2 hours of collection, transport at room temperature

1. Collect a first-morning, “deep-cough” sputum specimen in a screw-capped, sterile container as follows: Do not add alcohol or preservatives.

A. Cough induction by inhalation of a saline aerosol is acceptable.

B. Instruct patient to brush his/her teeth and/or rinse mouth well with water to minimize contaminating specimen with food particles, mouthwash, or oral drugs.

C. Have patient remove dentures.

D. Instruct patient to take a deep breath, hold it momentarily, then cough deeply and vigorously, and expectorate sputum into container.

2. Alternatively, sputum collection may be collected via transtracheal aspiration for a deeper respiratory specimen.

3. Label container with patient’s name (first and last), date of birth, date and actual time of collection, and type of specimen.

4. Maintain sterility and forward promptly. If there is a delay in transport of >2 hours, keep specimen refrigerated.

Note: 1. Sputum culture will include Gram stain to determine acceptability of specimen.

2. Nasal secretion, saliva, or 24-hour or pooled collection is not acceptable.

3. Specimen source is required on request form for processing.

Day(s) Test Set Up

Monday through Sunday

Test Classification and CPT Coding

87070 - culture

87077 - bacterial identification (if appropriate)

87186 - susceptibility (if appropriate)

87187 - susceptibility (if appropriate)