Test Code URICR Uric Acid, Rasburicase
Performing Laboratory
MaineGeneral Medical Center
Reference Values
Males: 3.5-7.5 mg/dL
Females: 2.2-6.8 mg/dL
Critical value (automatic call-back): >12.5 mg/dL
Day(s) Test Performed
Monday through Sunday
Specimen Requirements
Specimen must be drawn in a pre-chilled, lithium heparin tube and kept on ice. Send unprocessed, whole blood to the lab on ice. Once in the lab, the specimen is to be centrifuged in a refrigerated centrifuge and immediately placed back on ice for delivery to the chemistry department.
Minimum volume: 1 mL
Specimen stability: Must be analyzed within 4 hours of collection
Specimen Transport Temperature
Specimen must be kept on ice.
Test Classification and CPT Coding